Monday, February 17, 2014

When You Need to Let Friends Down

I am not a good friend. Friendship takes lots of practice. I haven't been practicing that long at it. I have a lot of room for improvement.

On the flip side, I am a people pleaser. I hate saying no. I hate to feel like I let someone down. That I didn't help a person when they needed it.

I am also a homebody. I hate making plans. I love flying by the seat of my pants.

This weekend was suppose to be a magical birthday weekend for my daughter. We were suppose to fly up to see her daddy and other family while he worked. The snow storm messed it up. Our trip got cancelled. I was crushed. She was fine. But I wasn't. We had spent all this time planning and planning and then splat...all gone.

I decided I would make the most of the weekend and still help my daughter have an epic 3 year old birthday weekend.

In the midst of that, a friend was packing to move next week. She never asked me to watch her daughter. But I knew the person who was suppose to cancelled. I had it on the tip of my tongue to tell her I would do it.

But then I didn't. I felt really guilty about it. I knew her husband was out of town with mine and that she had a 23 month old who was running wild while she packed.

But I also knew I had a daughter whose plans had been cancelled once already. I had my sweet birthday girl who I had promised we would live by her schedule since we weren't getting to see daddy.

I knew she would have had fun with her friend. But I also knew we couldn't go do the things she wanted to do.

I'm also learning things about myself. I get overwhelmed with guilt and things and just shut down. So in this moment, I have to figure out which choice would case the least guilt and be the least overwhelming.

Again, my friend never asked so I didn't have to tell her no, I just never offered.

The result: a tiny bit of guilt from not helping a friend but the BEST weekend with my birthday girl!

We had so much fun and laughed and played and laughed and sang and danced.

My soul needed this weekend possibly more than she did.

I'll have an opportunity to help my friend later. That was the only 3 year old birthday weekend I will ever get with my baby girl!

And did we party it up!

People say when you choose to spend time on one thing you are choosing not to spend it on another thing.

I chose to spend my time the best way possible this weekend!

What are you choosing to spend you time on?

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